Sunday, August 18, 2019

Blog Shout-Out

 The People's Cube. It's satirical website created Oleg Atbashian, an American writer and graphic artist. Rush Limbaugh described the website as “a Stalinist version of The Onion.”

Atbashian was born in June, 1960, in Cherkassy, Ukraine, which was then part of the totalitarian Soviet Union. His writings present a view of America and the world through the prism of his Soviet experience. Atbashian is the author of 'Shakedown Socialism.'

The People's Cube is moving into the 21st century, comrades. That means a new SSL server to host the website. It also means more money. So, if you can spare a ruble or 2, click on over (and surreptitiously chuckle at the current truth).