Tuesday, August 20, 2019

WATCH: Video Montage of Media’s Support of Antifa Illustrates Clear Bias

"Now I’m not an FBI profiler or anything, but pretty sure a group that uses violence, intimidation and fear to push a political agenda/narrative is a terrorist group. That Antifa calls itself Antifa (short for “anti-fascist”) means nothing. They could call themselves the Gluten-Free Noodle Men for all I care. Using a swinging billy club in lieu of a cheek kiss is still an act of violence. Media excusing Antifa just because Antifa hates Trump isn’t a good look." - Courtney Kirchoff at Louder with Crowder

And don't forget that Not One Democrat Presidential Candidate Condemns the Violent Far-Left Mob Antifa.

Because they tacitly approve the violence. It really is that simple. You're invited to prove me wrong. Go: