Monday, October 21, 2019

Angry Man Fed Up with Cry Bullies Blocking Street, Scatters 'Em like Cockroaches (VIDEO)

The symbol on the cry bullies' banner belongs to 'extinction rebellion.' It's some sort of psuedo-enviro-fascist organization that admits it has nothing do with 'enviromentalism.' It’s about Heteronormativity?

You can read a sign on a building that says 'San Francisco.' The man is dressed in hospital scrubs, possibly on his way to work.

Same incident; another view.

H/t: AoSHQ via David Thompson who has this commentary:
"Acts of planned and gratuitous aggression, including narcissistic aggression – which is what these ‘protests’ are - should be treated accordingly. It’s important that these cossetted pinheads, so gorged on their own sense of entitlement, learn to fear those on whom they recreationally impose themselves. Their expectations of impunity should be shattered. Along with the conceit that the way to make people sympathetic with your cause, whatever it may be this week, is to screw them over - because you can - while applauding yourself for doing so."
Bravo. Well said.