Saturday, November 23, 2019

Days That End in 'Y' - editorial 'toons & memes

'The whipsawed' edition

Strange Vintage Ads From Thanksgiving Past

Jonestown Massacre: What It Meant To 'Drink The Kool-Aid'
"Nearly 1,000 men, women, and children died at Jonestown, in Guyana, on November 18, 1978. Ordered to drink poison by the charismatic and delusional cult leader Jim Jones, the casualties of the "Jonestown massacre" were members of the People’s Temple, a Christian organization that..."
Full stop. Now you're drinking 'the Kool-Aid.' There was nothing 'Christian' about what Jim Jones preached - particularly the eventual mass suicide of 1,000 brainwashed members of the People’s Temple.
"(the People’s Temple)...integrated anything that Jones wanted to use, from Marxist theories to faith healing." 

"Jonestown was envisioned as a “rainbow family” made up of people of all races, ages, and creeds, who were separated from America and working on their own to create a utopian civilization. In the harsh jungle of Guyana, none of the utopian dreams of Jones’ followers came to fruition, and as their leader devolved further into madness he led the families and friends who trusted him enough to move across the world to their deaths."

"The clearly imminent implosion of Jonestown came to pass when California Congressman Leo Ryan flew to Guyana with a delegation of news reporters and representatives of the followers' biological families -- a group calling itself Concerned Relatives -- to investigate the numerous complaints around the church."

"When Ryan and his delegation returned to their plane the next day they were followed by members of the Peoples Church who sprayed them with machine gun fire. Five people including Ryan perished in the attack, although several defecting members of the Temple survived the shooting at the Port Kaituma Airstrip."

"While Congressman Ryan was being attacked at the airstrip Jones was instructing his people to gather in the Jonestown pavilion to begin their mass suicide."

Knock, knock. Land shark.

All 'toons, memes, and pictures courtesy of these fine sites, plus that other one.