Tuesday, November 19, 2019

House Investigating If Trump Lied To Mueller

Because Mueller threw everyone and their dog into prison on any pretense of a 'process crime' (IE: lying), but some how Mueller's $35 million, 2.5 year long, 448 page Special Counsel investigation somehow missed Trump lying to him - so now these venal congress critters must take up the mantle of justice wasting millions more tax dollars to investigate.

Henry Rodgers at Daily Caller:
"The House of Representatives is reportedly investigating whether President Donald Trump lied to former Special Counsel Robert Mueller during his investigation into the president.

“Did the President lie? Was the President not truthful in his responses to the Mueller investigation?” House general counsel Douglas Letter told the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit about why the House now needs access to material from Mueller’s investigation, CNN first reported."
'Needs access to material.' But, of course. Because when one coup scam crumbles, another one must be implemented. On and on and on...

More here.