Saturday, November 16, 2019

How to Tell When Firewood is Seasoned

News you can use.

My stock answer is, "It depends on how cold is your house?" But that's not a wise answer. Why?
"Burning green wood can be dangerous. It creates a lot of smoke and may cause a dangerous creosote buildup over time. Learn to tell when wood is seasoned. It will help you properly heat your home and keep you safe."
That said, a small amount of green stuff, or not-quite-seasoned wood is ok to simmer down the white hot coals in your stove or fire place, but be prepared for more smell, spitting, and smoke than with quality seasoned wood.

Then why do it? Two reasons: 1 - too-hot fires can crack firebrick, warp grates, or burn through stoves over time. 2 - a modicum of green stuff, or not-quite-seasoned wood can stretch out your supply if running low near the end of season.

Eleven good indicators for how to tell if wood is seasoned:

H/t: Maggies Farm