Monday, December 30, 2019

A Few Headlines - best of the interwebs

2019 in Review: US Economy Strong, Entering the Longest Expansion in History

WINNING: It Was a Very Trumpian 2019: Global Stock Markets Gained $17 Trillion in Value This Year.
Weird. The way-back machine had it on good authority that the 'expert', Nobel prize winning, Distinguished Professor of Economics, and NY Times columnist, Paul Krugman, assured the entire world - without a doubt, on the day Trump was elected in 2016 - that Trump would destroy the world's economy. Nasdaq Hits 9,000 for First Time Ever

Why Your Brain Needs Exercise
"The evolutionary history of humans explains why physical activity is important for brain health."

Exercise linked to lower risk of 7 cancers, study finds
"Cancers of the kidney, liver, breast and colon may all be fended off by increased physical activity."

A sad epilogue to a fabled career
"John McCain lived a full life and had a storied career. It’s a shame he will be remembered for being part of a conspiracy to try to destroy a Republican candidate and ultimately President of the United States with Russian disinformation."
My mother taught me not to speak ill of the dead, so I won't. I had my say against this lying, conniving, seditious, backstabbing, greedy crap weasel while he was alive. Thank you for your service, sir. I wasn't invited to your funeral, but I sent a polite note saying I approved of it. That is all.

IG Report Reveals Steele Funneled Claims Through John McCain After FBI Dropped Him

All the missiles and nukes North Korea has tested in one chart
"Since 2011, Kim has launched more than 100 missiles and conducted four nuclear weapons tests, which is more than what his father, Kim Jong Il, and grandfather, Kim Il Sung, launched over a period of 27 years."

US spy planes fly near North Korea after ‘Christmas gift’ missile threat
John Bolton, wherefore art thou??

When Will Rachel Maddow Be Fired?
"There’s no getting around the fact - no matter how much one wants to - that Rachel @Maddow’s performance on Russiagate was one of the most paranoid, unhinged and fact-free debacles of sustained media propaganda, fear-mongering, conspiracy-mongering and deceit in many years:"
Or perhaps that's what her media masters paid her to do.

WaPo Columnist Rips Rachel Maddow For Hyping Steele Dossier
"But he doesn't mention the Washington Post "journalists" and "experts" who pushed the same conspiracy theories."
How convenient.

To Hell With the Perpetually Offended

African Americans Are Taking Back Jobs Stolen By Illegal Aliens
"In August, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers swept up 680 illegal immigrants during raids on seven food processing plants in Mississippi. Without the cheap labor, the companies were forced to hire Americans to do the work."
Great. Now what criminal charges will the owners of those businesses face for hiring illegal aliens?

Armed Christian Stops Church Attack
"We don’t know the attacker’s identity or motive yet, but thank God for the Texas law that allows people to keep their guns in church."

Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities for the Win
"I’ve always been an advocate of playing by the left’s new rules, and this is a great opportunity to new rules the libs good and hard. We got your sanctuary right here, pinkos."
Governor Ralph 'KKK-Blackface' Northham(D) needs to face a recall election. Just because some politico gets elected to office doesn't mean he can now impose his fascist will to abrogate the Constitutional rights of the people. The oath states 'against all enemies both foreign and domestic.' Northam is the latter. Recall him - because it's better than hanging from a lamp post.

Democrat Privilege: WaPo Reverses Own Call for Ralph Northam to Resign Over Blackface/KKK Photo
Of course. Because it's different when Leftists are insufferable a-holes.

"The gathering storm, so long denied, is now so strong as to be uncontainable. The quarter from which it will break is in doubt, that it will break is not. We'll discover who the real preppers are after the first hard blasts roll across the land. In war this is known as "first contact with the enemy", the violent unraveling of faulty imagining that exposes the viable core, if any." - ol' Remus at The Woodpile

Unsustainable Practices Week in Higher Education
'Your weekly report on campus news' by Mike LaChance: everything you need to know about the continuing dumpster fire that is higher education in the USA.

“BUT his TWEETS!” Lileks and Robby Starbuck Set the Sugarplum Thumb Suckers Straight
"It seems odd that some people (ostensibly on the right) have not yet figured out that Trump’s tweets are one of his tools."

The ‘Deep State’ and the Impeachment Conspiracy
"The near-universal loathing of Trump in the New York/D.C. media axis has made it difficult to get a fair hearing for the evidence that points to the role of the so-called “deep state” in creating the circumstances that have led us to this impeachment circus. With few exceptions — notable among them Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone — journalists on the left have completely abandoned their traditional skepticism toward our national security apparatus and the foreign-policy elites in Washington. Some of us are old enough to remember the 1970s and ’80s, when left-leaning media sought to expose the shadowy machinations of the State Department, the CIA, and the FBI. Now that opposition to Trump has become the media’s idée fixe, however, every journalist is expected to celebrate former FBI Director James Comey’s honesty and patriotism, and none of them seem interested in asking questions about why former CIA Director John Brennan’s fingerprints seem to be everywhere on the effort to destroy Trump."
What did John Brennan know and when did he know it?

H/t: Maggies farm & AoSHQ