Tuesday, December 31, 2019

After Losing Credibility and Readers, NYT & WAPO Editors Say They Owe Trump Supporters Their Respect

 My 'bullsh!t' meter is redlined. How about you?

A quick search engine of the interwebs turned up these 2016 headlines one day after Trump's election:

That gobsmacked introspection lasted about 30 minutes.

Diogenes Middle Finger noticed something similar last Sunday:
"Dean Baquet and Marty Baron, executive editors of the NYT and Washington post respectively, joined NBC’s resident Sunday morning soft skull, Chuck Todd, this weekend to talk about how the Trump administration has waged war on the media's sometime unsourced and fact free-based reporting, and what news outlets should do to push back.  When asked about why people support Trump despite Todd accusations of false allegations against the media, both Baquet and Baron agreed that both of their papers have to do a better job of covering Trump supporters."
Translation: Gee. We sorry 'bout 3 years of smearing you as deplorable, hate-monger ignorant bigots 'cause you voted for evil racist Putin's puppet, crazy Trump-Hitler. You mad, Bro?

Once upon a time, back when I was employed by a big city newspaper, the watch phrase was, "Never go to battle with someone who buys their ink by the barrel." But now that it's twice upon a time, the new millennium says, "Never go to battle with someone who tweets 24/7 to 68 million followers on Twitter. @realDonaldTrump

The fake phony dead-tree media eagerly dug their perpetual Leftist propaganda cesspit. It pays their mortgage and feeds their kids. But more alluring is the fawning, rockstar status it brings to beltway bubble cocktail parties. Trashing Republicans, in general, and Trump, in particular, is a heck of a drug, Rick James. It's too addicting. They have no intention of giving up the high. Their media's death will be their only respite. Choke on it, liars.