Monday, December 02, 2019

CNN's Token RINO Ana Navarro Gets Twitter Beat Down after Racist Rant

Yet she's still on twitter and employed. Community standards, Jack Dorsey? I know, it's a week-old story, but with the holiday and all, some may have missed it. So what happened? Two separate polls released last week by Rasmussen and Emerson showed 34% approval by Black Americans for President Donald Trump - which solidifies Trump's place as 'the worst racist president EVUH.

Others on twitter took notice of Navarro's racist rant, and joined in the beat down:

Lower left; read it again. Fen's Law confirmed.

But that's not surprising given CNN's Token RINO Ana Navarro, and her job as an open borders shill for the Left.  Maven Michelle Malkin illustrates the point:
"You may remember one of her most infamous stunts: Pulling out a nail file and feigning boredom during an immigration debate on CNN's "Cuomo Prime Time" show. Host Chris Cuomo introduced the segment by accusing Trump of "creating the fiction of a brown menace" and concocting the bloody consequences of open borders on Jan. 9, 2019. Exactly two weeks earlier, patriotic legal immigrant and Newman, California, police officer Cpl. Ronil Singh had been executed by a Mexican gangbanger here illegally. While Trump supporter Steve Cortes called attention to the victims of illegal immigrant crime, Navarro-Cardenas sighed, rolled her eyes, and exploded when Cortes had the audacity to call her a "leftist." Ignoring Singh's sacrifice, she whined: "I'm so tired of you calling me leftist just because you want to compromise your values."

Playing the victim while disrespecting the real victims is par for the Open Borders Inc. course."
And that's why Navarro is still employed at CNN after her racist rant last week. Besides, Boss Zucker can't be bother with such trivial matters: "Let's just stay very focused on impeachment."

Marching orders. No pretense required.