Thursday, January 02, 2020

2020 Census May Give NY Democrats Ammo to Eliminate Ocasio-Cortez’s District

“New York Dems are reportedly eyeing Ocasio-Cortez’s Bronx district for elimination because she’s been out of sync with state-level Democrats who control the process”

Ocasio-Cortez’s Bronx district for elimination...

And that purpose is to erase her from Congress? Uh, maybe. Maybe not. Lil Miss Ocasio-Cortez has quite the name recognition and fetish following for her marxist dictates she desires to impose upon the nation. Lil Miss Occasional Cortex can simply pull a Hillary and parachute into a new district (while somehow meeting those pesky resident requirements), and set up shop there.

The big bucks roll in; the nasty ads go up; the fraudulent absentees get counted over and over - then, presto bingo, Bob's yer uncle - and AOC is still hating Jews and turning screws from the floor against Pelosi.

But the pen is mightier than the sword. I think a more plausible scenario is the axis of Leftist agitprop (Bezos, Zucker, Sulzberger) puts AOC on their payroll where she can inculcate far more people with her marxist dictates.