Monday, January 27, 2020

A Few Headlines - best of the interwebs

ABC/WaPo: Trump climbs to highest job approval rating of his presidency amid impeachment trial
From always sardonic never-trumper, Allahpundit at HotAir:
"A 44/51 split as the *high-water mark* of one’s presidency is dismal but that’s the number among all American adults. When you look instead at registered voters, the sort of people who are more likely to actually turn out in an election, it creeps up to 47/50. Among independent adults he’s at 47/48, up nine points since October and right on the cusp of net positive territory. That’s a pretty respectable base of support in a hyperpartisan age from which to launch a reelection campaign.

How’s he doing it? You know how:"
Allahpundit tries his best to paint The Donald as a one-trick pony. IE: It's the economy, stupid.

But, wait. There's more: Lowest unemployment in 50 years. And? Soaring stock market. And? War on terror triumph (Soleimani is simply the latest POS to dirt nap) And? Thumb jam in the eye of the always one way 'mistakes' media. And? Energy independence. And? The Wall. And? JUDGES! And? Defund planned parenthood. And? Pro-life. And on and on and on...

That's no pony, AP. That's a herd of stallions.

Impeachment has been a dud for Democrats
"In response to those twitchy senators, Schiff and Jerrold Nadler have amped up the hysteria, trying to convince the country that President Trump’s delay of aid to Ukraine endangered our national security or is putting the 2020 election in jeopardy. Both charges may have brought some insensate senators back to consciousness, but neither is true.

If you are a Democrat, you cannot be happy with the impeachment process to date. Your leader, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, has vacillated between spiteful and foolish (those signature pens! That parade!), and your emissaries appear simply inept.

More important, you have not changed minds. Notwithstanding the endless hours spent vilifying President Trump, Gallup puts his approval ratings at an all-time high. Moreover, his admirers are so incensed that he and his party have hauled in an unprecedented amount of campaign money.

Swing-state voters appear indifferent at best to Democrats’ push to impeach; some polls show them angry that so much of the nation’s time and effort has gone into attacking a president they voted for."
TDS is a heck of a drug.

'Caught': White House tweets out clip of George Stephanopoulos cutting off Trump impeachment attorney
Stephanopoulos is longtime suckle-up-icus to the Clintons and a DNC mouthpiece employed by ABC.
"Just before Stephanopoulos was filmed cutting off Sekulow’s answer, deputy White House press secretary Hogan Gidley directed the attorney that he would just take a “couple more” questions, signaling that the press conference was nearing its end.

Several of Trump’s Republican supporters also ripped Stephanopoulos for cutting off the remainder of the press conference, including Republican National Committee spokeswoman Elizabeth Harrington, who wrote, “Think he ever reacts that way when Schiff is speaking?”"
Asked and answered, Your Honor. Stephanopoulos is a political joke, not a journalist.

Schiff Admits Impeachment is a Coup
The allegedly mentally ill Adam Schiff.
"Schiff accused Trump of attempting to “use the powers of the presidency to cheat in an election.”

“For precisely this reason, the president’s misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box, for we cannot be assured that the vote will be fairly won,” he said."
What's the typical media caveat? 'He said without evidence.'

The Death Spiral of the Islamic Republic
The hit on Soleimani was so well-organized, leading terrorists ran for the hills.
"Undoubtedly some of the terrorist leaders are cutting deals with U.S. intelligence, and the events of this weekend suggest that at least some of that information has made its way to Iraqi demonstrators. The anti-Iranian demonstrations continue, and the divisions within the regime are becoming ever more intense: Far from a unifying national symbol as some supposed, Soleimani has become a deeply divisive figure within the Middle East region.

Fractures over the late Commander also reveal deep-seated divisions within Iran and the failure of the Islamic Republic’s brand of culture and identity politics. Like Iran’s official identity, the country’s regional role and Soleimani’s image have left Iranians disunited.

Internal unrest, decades of mismanagement and regional adventurism are revealing the limits of Islamic Republic’s Shiite-based rhetoric and its failure of combining that with a viable notion of nationhood.

Scores of IRGC officials have been arrested by their comrades. Most of the arrestees are said to be Soleimani loyalists, and there are reports of missing officials very far up in the Quds Force."
I blame Donald Trump.

FBI reviewing claims Ilhan Omar married her brother
This vile anti-semite can add incest to her resume.
"At the meeting, first reported by website The Blaze, the agents discussed concerns the Somali-born Democrat married Elmi, a British citizen rumored to be her brother, so he could obtain a green card and study in America, the source said.

The two agents said they would share the information with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the US Department of Education, but did not commit to opening an investigation into the firebrand lawmaker, the source said.

If Omar did marry her brother, she could be found guilty of committing marriage fraud — a felony offense punishable with a prison sentence of up to five years and a fine of up to $250,000.

...Congresswoman Omar’s office did not respond to request for comment but she has repeatedly denied the allegations — calling them “disgusting lies.”
Taqiyya now. Taqiyya tomorrow. Taqiyya forever.

NYC man converts to Islam, says he’s “ready to kill and die in the name of Allah,” tries to join jihad terror group
"Encarnacion, 30, of New York, New York, pled guilty to one count of attempting to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. The maximum potential sentence in this case is prescribed by Congress and is provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by a judge…."

Officials: On Iran, Commander in Chief Trump Showed Restraint.
The adults are in charge. This is leadership. Read the rest here:

This is why nobody cares about the impeachment trial

Grassley Wants To Know If DOD Used Taxpayer Funds In Payments To Halper As He Spied On Trump Campaign
"Stefan Halper, human informant and Cambridge University professor suspected of helping smear Ret. Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and attempting to recruit members of the Trump campaign to spy on the campaign itself, took over $1 million from the Office of Net Assessment (ONA) at the Defense Department to do research and write reports since 2015.

His work was ultimately of dubious value and much of the work never materialized. Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has been seeking information for more than a year about what exactly Halper was paid to do, especially in light of his outing as a confidential human source who had meetings with several of the Russia collusion players in the months leading up to the 2016 election."
Still and again: What did Barack Obama know and when did he know it?

HUMILIATION: The Real Goal of Our Democrat Media Overlords

Commissarka Pinkie's Official Statement Re: Harry & Meghan
It's the current truth, comrades!

Capitalism is the greatest anti-poverty scheme ever discovered
Fact check: true

The Story Behind Miss Virginia Exemplifies The Moral Case for School Choice
As a black child growing up in Arkansas, Virginia Walden Ford fought her way into segregated schools. As an adult, she fought to get her son out of failing public schools.