Thursday, January 30, 2020

A Few Headlines - best of the interwebs

'Promises Kept': Trump Signs Trillion-Dollar Trade Deal While Democrats Focus on Impeachment(VIDEO)
"It’s exactly what Democrats don’t want to see — so they weren’t invited.

While the establishment media and Beltway politicians were focused Wednesday on President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial in the Senate, the president himself was coming through on another campaign promise: Signing the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement.

“This is a colossal victory for our farmers and ranchers,” Trump said at the White House signing ceremony, according to Fox Business. “Everybody said this was a deal that could not be done, but we got it done,” he said."
To paraphrase a failed, bitter, 2016 Democrat POTUS candidate, "I ain't no-ways tarred of winning.'

Moderate Democrats may vote to acquit Donald Trump
"And Dianne Feinstein has said she could possibly vote to acquit the President. This is not going to change the outcome of the trial, we already know how it is going to turn out, but what it will do is this: the Democrats want to make the claim during the election cycle that corrupt Republicans protected the criminal in the White House by covering up his actions during the impeachment trial..."
In other words, the ol' 'If we don't win, you cheated!' mantra.

Levin Unveils Video of Bolton Describing Trump’s Discussions with President of Ukraine
"Bolton’s response appears to contradict three key accusations Democrats have been making against President Trump in demanding his impeachment and removal from office:..."
Witnesses Look Unlikely
"While it has been widely reported that Majority Leader McConnell did not have the votes to block witnesses, it is increasingly looking like he is maneuvering his caucus against calling them. The NYT reports: To Senate Republicans, a Vote for Witnesses Is a Vote for Trouble."
The NY Times - a former newspaper - is calling this like a horse race, or some sort of game. Ooo, 'Senate Republicans.' The heck with them. How about simply respect for Constitutional order?

Gorsuch does not love nationwide injunctions from district judges
"Here’s a good discussion of a recent SCOTUS decision, and in particular some remarks by Justice Gorsuch in a concurring opinion. The Court voted 5-4 to lift a nationwide injunction placed by a district court judge on Trump’s new rule preventing people who are on the public dole (or likely to be) from getting green cards:"
Amen and amen!

News you can use
"Data on various 9mm loads shot in barrels from 2 inches to 18 inches.

I’ve been pondering a pistol caliber carbine. I’m looking at a 7 inch or 4 inch barrel and this makes me thinks there’s quite a bit of difference."

Tearful EU Members Give Britain Final Brexit Approval
"On Wednesday, Britain got formal approval from tearful European Union members who overwhelmingly backed the terms of the UK’s departure from the EU by the end of this week."
Finally. Britain's long nightmare of 'battered wife syndrome' is over. Who's next? Poland? Hungary?

Barr: The Real People Trying To ‘Impose Their Values’ On Others Are ‘Militant Secularists’
It has been long convenient for secularists to insist that it is possible for government to be neutral about religion by imposing their religion on everyone.

To borrow from RSM, Crazy People are Dangerous: Trans Woman Kidnaps, Tortures 3 Women, Stabs One with ‘HIV+ Needle’
"A New Zealand corrections spokesperson revealed that a transgender woman mentally ill crossdressing man with over 200 previous criminal convictions maybe transferred to a woman’s prison to serve her his sentence.

The suspect, Blaine Maney, 47, from Rotorua, New Zealand, who was born ‘Wayne,’ but changed her his name after transitioning, is said to have tortured all three women for over two hours a piece, and stabbed a woman with a used hypodermic needle containing HIV."
Pro tip 'news sites': stop enabling this mentally ill delusion of 'trans.' Crazy People are Dangerous.

Mini Mike: Man of 3% of the People
"Michael Bloomberg Does Nutty Video Promoting ‘Big Gay Ice Cream’"
Good grief.

EBL says, 'Good morning.  It isn't over till it's over, but hopefully soon.'

Old Photos: Chiefs and Chargers 1965

At This Year's Vegas Porn Expo, Everything People Think They Know About the Internet and Adult Entertainment Is Wrong
There ain't no dirty pictures, you pervs, so it's safe for work, although the subject matter is questionable.
"Technological progress often brings mixed blessings. For more than a decade, I've witnessed firsthand how this progress has disrupted journalism careers and made media enterprises less reliable and more decentralized. At the same time, it has opened up so many possibilities that previous generations were denied. Discussion of these tradeoffs is now a staple at news industry events.

As it turns out, the same holds true for the porn business."
This article explores this business akin to other business models in the digital age. IE: Internet killed the brick n mortar store, etc.
"Meanwhile, they also speak of the huge range of positive opportunities created by the digital era, thanks to the decentralization of adult content and the ability of content creators and performers to now reach audiences directly. As in journalism, the internet has turned porn performers into media entrepreneurs."