Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Another Paid Bernie Staffer Promotes Violence, Praises Gulags

"I'll straight up get armed... Guillotine the rich!" Has Bernie Sanders(D) condemned this violent, irresponsible rhetoric from those he pays to promote his POTUS campaign? If not, why not?

Last week, an Iowa field organizer for Sen. Bernie Sanders’ democratic presidential campaign was caught on camera bragging,
“If Bernie doesn’t get the nomination or it goes to a second round at the DNC convention, f**king Milwaukee will burn. It’ll start in Milwaukee and then when … the police push back on that, other cities will just f**king” explode, Jurek promises, later predicting police officers “are going to be the ones getting f**king beaten in Milwaukee.”
This week it's a South Carolina field organizer, another paid staffer for Sen. Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign.

It's like these man-bun marxist soy bois can't wait to confirm Kaiser's Maxim. Perhaps they should read 'The Gulag Archipelago' by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, instead.

Again, has Bernie Sanders(D) condemned this violent, irresponsible rhetoric from those he pays to promote his POTUS campaign? If not, why not?

Violence is an integral tool for the Left. (see: AntiFa, weather underground, etc.) Bernie may not publicly condone it, but some of his supporters have proved to be violent. In 2017, one 'Bernie Bro' attempted to murder with gun fire Republican congress people on a baseball field. Then-House Majority Whip Steve Scalise(R) was severely wounded and nearly died. Four others were wounded by gunfire. The POS Bernie Bro was killed in a shoot-out with police.

Last July, an AntiFa terrorist armed with small bombs and a rifle launched an attack against an ICE detention facility in Tacoma, WA. Police killed him, too. Bernie advocates for open borders.

And now, these two paid staffers on Sen. Bernie Sanders’ democratic presidential campaign caught on camera threatening to burn Milwaukee, attack the police and kill or imprison those whom they deem 'other. Hey. Man-bun marxist soy boi. 'We will not comply!'

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