Friday, January 17, 2020

Beware of Bernie, Democrats

Chris Stigall pens a little expectant schadenfreude for the Democrat party of old white people:
"Many don’t remember the deep resentment and consternation among Bernie Sanders’ supporters in 2016. I saw it with my own eyes in Philadelphia the night Mrs. Clinton formally accepted her party’s nomination. Bernie supporters were in the upper deck of the Wells Fargo Center holding “HILLARY” signs with letters blackened out to read “**LIAR*.”  They knew their party rejected him from the beginning and rigged it for her. They would not forget. They won’t take it quietly the next time.   

They’re back and this time they have a very destructive plan. 

Right on cue, it appears the Democratic establishment does indeed have the same playbook in store for Bernie 2020. Come hell or high water, Democratic party elders don’t believe the man with actual enthusiasm behind him deserves their party’s nomination. They correctly calculate the enthusiasm for him isn’t widespread enough, nor is what he’s selling palatable to Americans outside of Manhattan, Boston, Detroit, and LA."
Quid pro Joe Biden(D) is 77 years old. Bolshevik Bernie Sanders(D) is 78. This is the last POTUS go-round for both of 'em. If the old DNC stabs Bernie in the face again, Bernie will not go gentle into that good night.

Violence is an integral tool for the Left. (see: AntiFa, weather underground, etc.) Bernie may not publicly condone it, but some of his supporters have proved to be violent. In 2017, one 'Bernie Bro' attempted to murder with gun fire Republican congress people on a baseball field. Then-House Majority Whip Steve Scalise(R) was severely wounded and nearly died. Four others were wounded by gunfire. The POS Bernie Bro was killed in a shoot-out with police.

Last July, an AntiFa terrorist armed with small bombs and a rifle launched an attack against an ICE detention facility in Tacoma, WA. Police killed him, too. Bernie advocates for open borders.

And just last week, Project Vertis revealed a staffer inside Bernie's campaign threatening violence in Milwaukee, "If Bernie doesn’t get the nomination or it goes to a second round at the DNC convention..."

Buckle up, and read it all. 2020 is going to be a wild ride.