Friday, January 24, 2020

Britain's Brexit bill becomes law

"At times, it felt like we would never cross the Brexit finish line, but we've done it," Prime Minister Boris Johnson said.

"After years of negotiations between the British government and the EU, U.K. lawmakers repeatedly defeated attempts by both Johnson and his predecessor Theresa May to finalize Britain's departure terms.

But that changed when Johnson's Conservatives won Britain's Dec. 12 election, giving his 80-strong majority in the Commons the ability to overrule the objections of opposition parties.

Despite Johnson's repeated promise to "get Brexit done" on Jan. 31, the day of departure only marks the start of the country's exit from the EU.

Guy Verhofstadt, the leading EU lawmaker on Brexit, said the bloc's parliament would continue to scrutinize the way Britain implemented the divorce agreement."
Good grief. It's like batter wife syndrome has finally been twigged.

Related: Queen gives approval to Brexit as bill officially becomes law