Monday, January 13, 2020

Christopher Wray Isn’t the Right Man to Fix the FBI

Is it time to abolish this malignant tool of political manipulation?
"The nation’s most powerful law enforcement agency is in shambles. Following a series of internal investigations, in addition to extensive reporting on the misconduct of former top officials, the Federal Bureau of Investigation is suffering a crisis in confidence from the very people it has a sworn duty to protect: the American public.

Considering its behavior over the past four years, one could be forgiven for thinking that the FBI exists only to serve the interests of the political aristocracy. From the Clinton email server cover-up to the unfounded counterintelligence probe into four Americans working for the Trump presidential campaign and the corruption of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, the FBI has exploited its power to defend partisan allies and punish foes."
Christopher Wray is currently the top man at the FBI, and is part of the problem. He's the proverbial fox guarding the hen house. Trump needs to find someone else to reform this ailing law enforcement agency.

Surber ridicules 'reform':

"Get rid of the FBI already. The corruption metastasized well beyond the director's office. The FBI turned into the Democrat Party's KGB. There is no reform possible. Its buildings needed to be razed and the land salted."
J.J. Sefton at AoSHQ concurs: "dismantle the FBI lock, stock and barrel."