Friday, January 10, 2020

CIA Director Haspel Backed Killing, Predicted Missile Attacks

"According to the (NY) Times, Haspel told President Donald Trump days before Soleimani was killed in a U.S. drone strike last week that taking him out and dealing with the expected retaliation from Iran posed a lower threat than leaving him alive to plot more attacks against the U.S. and its allies.

What's more, Haspel said that Iran would likely respond to Soleimani's killing by sending a barrage of missiles at Iraqi military bases — which is exactly what happened Tuesday night.

Haspel also said that a world without Soleimani — who led Iran's elite Quds Force, which handles military and spying operations in foreign countries — would lead to a more stable situation in the Middle East."

H/t: Don Surber