Friday, January 10, 2020

Like the Iranians, the left now chants “death to” its opponents

"Israel and America weren’t the only nations targeted by these voodoo death wishes. “Death to the Soviet Union” was popular until the Soviets bought them off. And “death to England” came and went.

Sometimes they chant “death to” whatever Iranian revolutionaries happen to be out of fashion. And indeed, sometimes those revolutionaries do mysteriously die.

Then there was “death to Soleimani.” Oops, never mind.

Israel holds a special place in the Iranian death cult because they hate Jews. But it’s America that represents what they hate most – science, reason, tolerance and power wielded by others. And so, it is America that they’ve uniquely christened “The Great Satan.”

If Satan didn’t exist, they’d have to invent him. “Death to the bad guys” doesn’t have much of a ring. For people who think of themselves as religiously and righteously pure, Satan and death seem to be on their minds a lot.

“The Great Satan” slogan sometimes copulates with the “death to America” slogan to spawn something like “Death to the Great Satan.”

I know these slogans are not great literature or even catchy.  Shakespeare, the Iranians are not.

Nor is the American left. The left has always advocated dishonesty and violence to achieve its Utopia. Saul Alinsky candidly preached methods in Rules for Radicals that one might charitably summarize as “the ends justify the means.”
This writer is good. Read the whole thing.