Thursday, January 02, 2020

Morning Coffee

 Siege at U.S. Embassy in Baghdad ends as Iran-backed militiamen withdraw.

The anti-Benghazi.
"The altercation began after, and reportedly in response to, several U.S. airstrikes against Iranian-sponsored militia forces in Iraq. Protesters threw stones, sprayed graffiti, and smashed windows. The U.S. eventually dispatched 100 Marines and two Apache helicopters to defend the embassy.

On Wednesday afternoon, the militia fighters, known publicly as the Popular Mobilization Forces, had withdrawn after an appeal by the Iraqi government. One supporter claimed the fighters had "rubbed America's nose in the dirt."

A state department spokeswoman dismissed claims that the militia fighters were merely protesters, calling them "terrorists [who were] organized, trained, and equipped by the Iranian regime."

Background: Iran-Backed Militants Attack U.S. Embassy in Iraq
"Hundreds of Iranian-backed militia fighters invaded the compound of the United States embassy in Baghdad on Tuesday after breaking down the compound gate. The militants reached within 200 meters of the main building, but did not enter the main embassy buildings themselves. They lit fires, caused other damage and chanted “Death to America!” inside the compound before withdrawing to join thousands of other militia fighters and protesters outside. American soldiers responded to the incursion with tear gas, stun grenades and warning shots, wounding around 62 of the militants. No Americans were injured in the attack."
Not surprised: Iranian Militia Leader Leading Iraq U.S. Embassy Raid Listed as Obama White House Guest

Obama bootlicker Ben Rhodes Blames Trump for Embassy Attack: Foreign Policy ‘Based on Obama Envy'
"The man who takes credit for the deal to send $1.7 billion in shrink-wrapped cash-filled pallets to pay off Iran's mullahs poked his head out of his Twitter hidey hole on Tuesday and now probably regrets the whole thing.

Ben Rhodes trashed the president as Iranian-backed Shia militias attacked the American Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq."

Twitter wasn't kind to bootlicker Rhodes' stupidity: