Saturday, January 25, 2020

Morning Coffee

The FBI Scandal

If they insist they are scandal-free, there are scandals. Bank on it. The Left always reveals their true self by what they deny or accuse. Others who are smarter than moi have stated, "Get rid of the FBI already. The corruption metastasized well beyond the director's office. The FBI turned into the Democrat Party's KGB. There is no reform possible. Its buildings needed to be razed and the land salted."

Eli Lake at Commentary Magazine makes the case this should be so, although he doesn't specifically recommend that remedy.
"The answer is messy. A comprehensive survey of all available information about the matter shows there were grounds in the summer of 2016 for American intelligence and law-enforcement officials at the FBI to turn their attention to the peculiar behavior of some Trump campaign advisers. But as the bureau learned more about them, it should have reassessed its theory of the case. Indeed, it was obliged to do so—by law, and custom, and elementary standards of fairness.

Instead, the FBI relied on lurid, sketchy, and sleazy opposition research generated by former British spy Christopher Steele—information so spurious that even liberal news organizations briefed on the so-called Steele dossier before the 2016 election wouldn’t touch it with a 10-foot pole. And it used that information in a specious, circular, and misleading manner to keep that investigation afloat and active into the first two years of Trump’s presidency. Even after the bureau had good reason to doubt its veracity, it didn’t share the exculpatory information it had uncovered—not with the public, not with the courts, and not even with the Justice Department lawyers who were supposed to check its work.

The result was a debacle. What had been teased as the greatest espionage scandal in American history—a U.S. president conspiring with Russia to steal an election—today should be seen as a cautionary tale about the fallibility of our lawmen and spies, the credulity of our press, and the hubris and hysteria of Trump’s resistance.

Here is what happened..."
It's a very good read - although, as Mark Levin stated on his show last night - there are a few inaccurate, nay, ridiculous portrayal of fact. IE: Executive privilege described as 'hubris and hysteria,' etc.  Nonetheless,  Lake utilizes 5 tidy bullet points to put in place many of the puzzle pieces in this complicated panorama of putrefaction and betrayal by those at the highest level in law enforcement. The unasked question is still and again, "What did Barack Obama know and when did he know it?"

Related: Christopher Wray Isn’t the Right Man to Fix the FBI

From 1979 to 2012, the FISA court granted 33,942 warrants, with only 12 denials – a rejection rate of 0.03 percent of the total requests.

It’s Statistically Impossible For The FBI’s Spygate Errors To All Be Mistakes

It Started With a Lie: Bruce Ohr's Linchpin Role in Russiagate

DOJ: At Least Two of FBI’s Four FISA Warrants ‘WERE NOT VALID’

H/t: Mark Levin Show

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