Friday, January 31, 2020

Trump 'will not be acquitted' unless witnesses are called say Pelosi and Schiff

Weird. Democrats have developed a nasty taste for not accepting election results or trial verdicts. Even that sardonic never-Trumper, Allahpundit at Hotair, thinks it bizarre:
"An odd argument for Democrats to make in a way, since Trump is sure to be acquitted even if witnesses are called.

Anyway, these are the first official shots in the Democrats’ “cover-up!” messaging war on the GOP that they’ve been planning since Trump was impeached. They were going to fight that war no matter how many witnesses were called so long as Trump was found not guilty, but having Republicans decline to call Bolton despite reports that he might have something important to reveal means Dems will be using heavier ordnance than they might have anticipated."
Yup. It's the ol' 'If we don't win, you cheated!' mantra. Same as it ever was...