Tuesday, February 25, 2020

A Few Headlines - best of the interwebs

Leftists Celebrated $15/Hr Minimum Wage, Now They Can't Figure Out Why They're Being Fired
"To combat the issue of such terminations, which they see as “unfair,” two Democratic city council members in New York have introduced bills that would diminish the power employers have over their workforce."
This is textbook socialism: government control over the method and means of production. What's that definition of insanity again?

Kansas City to host Democrat presidential forum two days before March 10 Missouri primary
Since Missouri is deep red Trump-land only some Democrats have committed to the venue.

A corrupt politician, a communist, a “government by expert” guy, and a pro-American iconoclast are running for president. This is 1920 all over again.
"The presidential election in 1920 was a very interesting one. At the end of the day, the race boiled down to a contest between the Republican Warren G. Harding and the Democrat James M. Cox. However, in the lead-up to the election, a more interesting field was in play. Here were four of the candidates:"
A fascinating history lesson. RTWT

Presidential Papers: This explains a lot.

Nevada Goes Communist
"Stunning: A Delusional Socialist Just Blew Away the Democrat Competition in Nevada. Now What?"
Pass the popcorn. I see a Reagan-esque 49 state landslide for Trump in 2020 shaping up.

American Gun Ownership: The Positive Impacts of Law-Abiding Citizens Owning Firearms
"It’s no secret that mainstream press coverage of gun ownership in the United States tends to be in favor of gun control – especially when those reporting on the topic are not firearm owners themselves. Journalists focus on how many people are killed by guns, how many children get their hands on improperly stored firearms, and how many deranged individuals go on shooting sprees.

This anti-gun news bias is widespread among the “urban elite” who have very little personal experience with guns and yet write for influential newspapers like The New York Times, Washington Post, etc. Despite this bias, law-abiding private citizens owning guns does have positive impacts on American society that often go unreported – many of which are significant."
A rational discussion about how an armed moral society is a polite moral society.

US Home Prices Accelerate At Fastest Pace In 11 Months

Sometimes I think Tyler Durden at Zero Hedge left his brain in a fight club locker. His conclusion:
"Of course, amid collapsing interest rates - and implicitly mortgage rates - we suspect this rebound in home price growth will continue... Making homes more and more unaffordable."
Uh, wut? Over 15-30 mortgage years, the 2.8% YoY increase in purchase price is more than compensated by a tiny interest rate on the loan. Plus, the YoY increase benefits that buyer when they sell. 

I guess this Durden boy wasn't born when the Jimmy Carter 'malaise' economy crushed us all with double digit interest rates. That was unaffordable. You know what else was 'unaffordable on Durden's chart? (hint: it was 7 years ago during Obama's 'malaise' economy.)

Harvey Weinstein Convicted On Two Of Five Counts

Hey, Meryl Streep. What do you think about your Harvey 'god' now?
"Harvey Weinstein, disgraced Hollywood overlord and catalyst for the #MeToo movement, was convicted of two of the five charges against him. The trial in a Manhattan court room featured actresses who alleged crimes way past the statute of limitations and gadfly attorney Gloria Allred, but no police testimony. Weinstein will likely never be allowed to walk free again. That’s a good thing. There are elements of this trial that are troubling."
Maybe. What are the Vegas odds on how long before ol' Harv commits Arkancide in his cell?

"I wonder if any liberals are re-thinking their insistence that the Boy Scouts allow gay men to take 13-year-old boys on overnight camping trips."
HEADLINE: Boy Scouts Files Chapter 11 Bankruptcy in the Face of  Thousands of Child Abuse Allegations
"For decades, the BSA has fended off lawsuits demanding that they embrace the holy trinity of G's: girls, gays and godless atheists. (If only it had occurred to the plaintiffs to start their own organizations! They could have given them names like “The Girl Scouts.”)

Why would any liberal want to join an organization that was, according to them, sexist, Bible-thumping and bigoted? They didn’t. The lawsuits were kill shots."
This pathetic, yet predictable conclusion to this saga is a textbook example of IowaHawk's Axiom for the Gramscian March Through Institutions

1. Identify a respected institution. 2. kill it. 3. gut it. 4. wear its carcass as a skin suit, while demanding respect.

Incest in Missouri: 11-Year-Old Girl Gives Birth to Her 17-Year-Old Brother’s Son
"Lopez-Cante was charged with first-degree statutory rape, statutory sodomy and incest. His bond was set at $25,000, cash-only.
Gonzalez-Lopez was charged with endangering the welfare of a child for his role in the incident. His bond was set at $10,000, cash only.

Apparently, they didn’t already have enough incest in Missouri, so they decided to import the Gonzalez-Lopez/Lopez-Cante clan to fill the quota."

The Great Black Nope
"Can a white man box a black man without making everything racial?  Absolutely. It’s the black boxers who can’t seem to help themselves.

On Saturday night in Las Vegas, two undefeated heavyweight boxers had a rematch to settle a controversial draw from the first time they met late in 2018."
Author Jim Goad re-quotes the litany of cringe-worthy racialist spew from one man, contrasted against the 'This is not a racial war' mindset of the other. This mono-syllabic, ugly tribalism stoked to boiling in one culture must end.

"Looking at all the past Barnyard Flu's out of China, it almost seems as if they were trial runs." - James M Dakin at Bison Prepper via Woodpile