Thursday, February 27, 2020

Bernie Sanders Doubles Down On Castro Comments By Defending Communist China

This is old news to some, but it's new to me only in the sense that I rarely wade into the slimey muck of primary politics. This is a teachable moment for the world.

Sanders told “60 Minutes” on Sunday, “You know? When Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he did? He had a massive literacy program. Is that a bad thing? Even though Fidel Castro did it?”
"The Independent Vermont senator’s comments drew criticism from both sides of the political spectrum, including Democratic Florida Rep. Donna Shalala, who tweeted that Sanders should “speak to some” of her Cuban constituents before singing “the praises of a murderous tyrant.”
Sanders again on Monday night's CNN town hall:
"But you know, you can take China as another example. China is an authoritarian country becoming more and more authoritarian. But can anyone deny, I mean the facts are clear, that they have taken more people out of extreme poverty than any country in history. Do I get criticized because I say that? That’s the truth. So that is a fact. End of discussion.”
Except when your 'fact' is a bald-faced LIE. Witness China's 'Great Leap Forward,' policies which led to the Great Chinese Famine and approximately 30 million deaths only five years.