Monday, February 10, 2020

Bigger than Vindman: Trump scrubs 70 Obama holdovers from NSC

Obama doubled the NSC staff after Bush.

From the perspicacious Paul Bedard at the Washington Examiner:
"President Trump is making good on his promises to “drain the swamp” and cut Obama-era holdovers from his staffs, especially the critical and recently controversial National Security Council.

Officials confirmed that Trump and national security adviser Robert O’Brien have cut 70 positions inherited from former President Barack Obama, who had fattened the staff to 200.

Many were loaners from other agencies and have been sent back. Others left government work."
Pork. Bloat. Waste. From 'scandal-free' Obama. Good riddance.

Related: YOU'RE FIRED! That's LT. COL. Alexander Vindman, to you, AND his twin brother, Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman Lose NSC JobS; Escorted from White House