Friday, February 14, 2020

BREAKING: ex-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Will Not Face Charges

Two-tier justice system. Two-tier justice system.
"Let’s be clear. Andrew McCabe not only lied to investigators, something others have been put in jail over throughout this Trump-Russia saga, but he then admitted he did so in a later interview. There is no question he’s guilty. There’s no question of his intent either, at least not any more than Michael Flynn’s intent (which was much, much more in doubt).

Yet, according to this report, McCabe just gets to skate. He gets to go back on CNN and bloviate in a partisan manner, having not been charged for the very crime he destroyed others’ lives with. It’s insane and it might as well be a flashing neon sign proclaiming the death of objectivity in our legal system."
As a youth, I was idealistic and hopeful, but in my grey beard, more & more, I'm convinced that outcomes such as this are a feature, not a bug.

There Is No Law In America; Why Should We Be The Only Ones to Pretend There Is?

Tell me again why Roger Stone supposedly deserves nine years in prison - particularly when we've all recently learned that Tomeka Hart, the rabidly anti-Trump, pro-Hillary foreman of the Roger Stone trial jury, clearly lied during the jury selection process to obscure her own political activism, obvious bias in the Stone case, then tweeted about it DURING the trial.

H/t: WhatFingerNews

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