Monday, February 24, 2020

Democrat U.S. Senate Candidate Selects Guillotine as ‘symbol of the work we have to do’

In what universe is it appropriate to use this killing machine as a political campaign symbol? The Leftist universe.

"The logo, unveiled this week by Democrat Bre Kidman, recalls the execution device known for its role in the 18th century French Revolution and is intended to symbolize revolt by low- and middle-income people, Kidman said.

“The guillotine is an image which calls to mind what people have done for revolution before,” said Kidman, an attorney who’s running for the seat held by Republican Sen. Susan Collins. “If we can find a better path to revolution than that we owe it to ourselves and our country.”
When someone threatens you with a method of execution, know they mean to kill you.

The guillotine symbolized the brutality of the French Revolution, but more recently, the Nazis were equally devoted to this efficient killing machine. And this Democrat in Maine is OK with that Nazi symbolism (and apparently, ignorant of its 20th century history). It's estimated the Nazis beheaded almost as many victims as the French Reign of Terror during the Nazis' 12 horrific years in power.

And now, at least one Leftist in Maine thinks it appropriate to use this killing machine as her political campaign symbol. Once again, Kaiser's Maxim is confirmed, and underscores the need to eliminate with extreme prejudice these vile Leftists. Politically speaking, of course.