Thursday, February 20, 2020

Horrid! Gunman Murders 10 in Germany, but How is That 'Right Wing?'

"Nine people died in two bars favored by immigrants in an attack that Chancellor Angela Merkel said had “right-wing extremist, racist motives.” The suspect and his mother were also found shot dead."
So, what evidence is there of any political motivation, Left or Right?

German Chancellor Angela Merkel simply declared it so, and many news outlets eagerly regurgitated it.

CBS News: Far-right motive suspected in mass shooting in Germany, authorities say

Christian Science Monitor: Deadly shooting in Germany points to far-right extremism

WaPo: After Germany shooting tied to far right, Merkel says ‘racism is a poison’ the country must overcome

Again, what evidence is there of any political motivation, Left or Right?  Yet, before we examine the 'without evidence' headlines, please remember that in Europe anything that isn't hardcore communism is often labeled as 'right wing.' Because winners re-write the history.

However, here in the states, some of the most extremist, violent, and racist people are Leftists on university campuses. Would the European authorities consider Democratic Socialist Bernie Bros as 'right wing' - particularly the dead POS who shot up a Congressional Republican baseball practice in 2017, and nearly killed Rep. Steve Scalise(R)?

NYTimes: Gunman Kills at Least 10, in Far-Right Attacks in Germany
"HANAU, Germany — A German gunman driven by racism and diffuse conspiracy theories opened fire on two bars frequented by immigrants late Wednesday, killing nine people and shocking a nation where violent crimes targeting minorities have spiked against the backdrop of a resurgent far right.

Politicians scrambled to express their sorrow and horror at the attack, which security officials said on Thursday was carried out by a 43-year-old German who appeared to have been driven by ethnic hatred.
The shooting in Hanau, 15 miles east of Frankfurt, was the most violent in a growing string of attacks targeting ethnic minorities, or Germans who openly support them, in a country roiled by bitter debates over immigration in recent years. All nine of those killed in the bars had immigrant backgrounds, Peter Frank, Germany’s federal prosecutor, said.

“Everything is being done to clarify the background of these horrible murders to the last detail,” Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters in Berlin. “But at present there is much evidence that the perpetrator acted out of right-wing extremist, racist motives. Out of hatred against people of other origins, other beliefs or other outward appearances.”"
Mutti Merkel just described every violent AntiFa thug in America. Is AntiFa now 'right wing' to Merkel? What about Black Lives Matter? Or La Raza (whose name literally means 'the race')? Perhaps Merkel had in mind an old school Democratic Socialist who championed worker's rights, along with racial purity - you know, a Nazi. But since the socialist Nazis were to the right of hardcore communists, those socialists were labeled 'right wing.' Just ask Joe Stalin. Germany lost WWII; the USSR won, then re-wrote the political history to declare the loser as 'right wing' Socialist Nazis. It's in all the school books - even here in America. 'Right wing' Socialists. Funny, dat.

What evidence is there of any political motivation, Left or Right, for this latest horrid mass murder? Bias confirmation? Party membership? Authorities say?

All I can determine is German Chancellor Angela Merkel simply declared it so, and many news outlets eagerly regurgitated it.