Friday, February 14, 2020

Man Arrested for Assault on MAGA Hat Teen at Polling Site is AntiFa Supporter

Rise of the Clothing Fascists Continues. This violent fascist has a long arrest history, including assault on a police officer, supports AntiFa, and compared Covington school kids to white supremacists.

Brooke Singman at Fox News:
"A New Hampshire man was arrested Thursday afternoon after allegedly assaulting a 15-year-old Trump supporter and two adults at a polling site during the state’s first-in-the-nation primary earlier this week.

The teen's mother said in an exclusive interview with Fox News after the arrest that her son is "traumatized."

...The Windham Police Department said Patrick Bradley, 34, of Windham, was charged with simple assault and disorderly conduct.

Police said the incident happened Tuesday as Bradley exited the voting location inside the high school and was walking by a Trump campaign tent occupied by several supporters. As he passed by the tent, police said, Bradley slapped a 15-year old juvenile across the face and then assaulted two other adults who attempted to intercede.

Bradley is also accused of throwing Trump campaign signs and attempting to knock over the campaign tent, police said."
Predictably, Kaiser's Maxim is proved true once again.

Ian Miles Cheong at Post Millennial:
"On Facebook, Bradley shared numerous posts communicating his support for antifa over the past year, including a post by the trans activist and leftist webcomic “Assigned Male,” which carries the text: “The government won’t tell you that they are fascists, but they will tell you anti-fascists are their enemies.”

As noted by Andy Ngo, Bradley is also a fan of the Portland-based band Rum Rebellion, members of which have ties to the Antifa movement in Oregon. One of its members was arrested at an Antifa riot and was also present at the scene where antifa activist Sean Kealiher was killed.

In addition to his associations with antifa, The Post Millennial has discovered that Bradley has an extensive history of arrests and violence including drug possession and assaulting a police officer."
Has Nancy Pelosi(D) or Bernie Sanders(C) condemned the attack on this teen boy? If not, why not?

Violence is systemic on the Left - and Leftists are OK with it. Young or old, east coast or west coast, these violent fascists are vermin; infesting and attacking anyone or anything they target. These violent fascists must be terminated with extreme prejudice - politically speaking, of course.

Related: Woman Punches 50-year-old Man Because She Thought He Was Wearing a MAGA Hat