"As V-Day plods its cheerless way onward, we seem to be witnessing a revolve back in the direction of persecution. First, there was a celebration of Saint Valentine and sacrificial love, particularly in Christian marriage. Then the predictable focus on romantic love, much of it in the Victorian era that popularized the sending of Valentine cards.The subversive tactic once was couched in the question, "How will my gay marriage affect your life?" To paraphrase Chesterton, "Before one removes a fence, know why it's there in the first place." Fences make good neighbors and establish boundaries. With no boundaries, the sodomy obsessed, alphabet authoritarians demand not simply tolerance, but applause. And science denial enshrined in law. Or else. Because like their perverse lust, their vengeance will never be sated. That is 'How.'
With the sexual revolution we get a more direct focus on sex as the centerpiece of the festivities. Predictably, the sexual revolution then spawned resentment rather than love, now by using the day to raise awareness of wife-beating and other forms of violence against women.
We can especially feel an intense hostility towards the very idea of marriage that Saint Valentine represented: the union of one man and one woman, centered on Christ, and loyal until death. His crime was to bring a man and a woman together while the state meant to keep them apart. The marriages he performed were anathema both to Roman imperialism and to today’s worship of hook-up culture, adultery, divorce, and abortion, all celebrated in the media and pop culture.
The hostility runs so deep that Christians today are told they must pay homage to same-sex unions or else lose their livelihoods. It is not only happening in the wedding industry, as florist Baronelle Stutzman and baker Jack Phillips can attest. It is happening in all of society’s institutions..."
Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist.
Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed. - G.K. Chesterton
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Would Saint Valentine Be A Christian Martyr For Marriage Again Today?
Stella Morabito at The Federalist: