Monday, March 09, 2020

A Few Headlines - best of the interwebs

ER Doctor: 98 to 99 Percent Of Coronavirus Victims ‘Are Going To Do Very, Very Well’
"Phillips said that the main danger with coronavirus is how it affects the lower
respiratory system, which presents itself as pneumonia. He called on everyone to
just take a deep breath and calm down.

“The way that this virus tends to make people sick is really by giving people
pneumonia. So, a lower respiratory illness as opposed to most colds that cause
upper respiratory infections,” said Phillips. “The problem with pneumonia is
pneumonia itself can be deadly. Everyone should take a deep breath.”"
Indeed. According to the CDC, during the 2019-2020 flu season, 16,000 people
have died and 280,000 people have been hospitalized in the USA alone. By
comparison, there have been 2,462 Corona Virus deaths worldwide,” according to the

But, but the higher mortality rate! The 2-3% death rate! Horsecrap. That rate is
dependent upon who has been infected (which we do not know the actual
denominator) VS who has been confirmed killed by the virus (a known
numerator). Unless, or until, we confirm both numbers, all we have are a
globally small number of reported infections VS known deaths which, of course,
makes for an alarming mortality rate. Like I've said for a while, "If 'corona
virus' was changed to 'corona flu,' the media would all but ignore this illness."

Don’t Panic. Get Smart.
Talk radio guy Chris Stigall talks with Dr. Judd Hollander of Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia, PA about Corona Virus myths, facts, and unknowns at this hour. Highly recommended.

REPORT: 328 from China have been caught crossing the border illegally this year
"Three other people from South Korea — another country with rapidly spreading cases — have also been arrested at the border, as have 122 people from the Dominican Republican, where the coronavirus has now been detected.Coronavirus was identified last year in China, and has quickly frightened much of the world.

The U.S. has funneled travelers arriving from China into a select set of American airports, where they can be screened. But that’s not possible with those crossing the border — particularly those who evade detection altogether."
So, if Leftists are truly concerned about the terrible response from terrible TrumpHitler containing the terrible coronavirus, Leftists would have no objections to closing the southern border. Right?

From the ever sardonic T.O.M.: I Prefer My Corona With Lime
No need to panic, but the coronavirus threat is no joke.

Job growth smashes expectations for February as unemployment falls back to 3.5%
"The Labor Department reported Friday that the U.S. economy added 273,000 new jobs during the month, while the unemployment rate was 3.5%, matching its lowest level in more than 50 years. An alternative measure of joblessness that counts those not looking for work and holding part-time jobs for economic reasons edged higher to 7%.

The January and February gains tied for best month since May 2018."
I have a weird feelz that March won't be so spectacular.

So how is that stock market opening looking?
Not good, but don't panic. I'm heavy in gold and bonds, so there's that. Bonus: Bargains galore in the coming weeks!

The class warfare two-step
They shoot horses, don't they?

Illegal immigrant charged with child sex assault released from custody, skips court.
"Barraza-Porras’ last known address was in Lafayette, Colorado. He was arrested on Jan. 2 and was charged with multiple counts of sexual assault on a child.Subject to an ICE detainer, local law enforcement refused to turn him over to ICE, and he was released with no bond and a court appearance on March 2.

...Law enforcement officers in Colorado are prohibited from arresting or detaining a suspected illegal “immigrant” based on solely an ICE request. Democratic Gov. Jared Polis signed a law in 2019 that bars officers from providing ICE with a suspected illegal “immigrant’s” personal information, and also requires state police to advised illegals of their Miranda rights when coordinating an ICE interview."
The government's only job is protect citizen's rights and public safety. Rescind 'qualified immunity against prosecution' from these public officials, charge them as accessories to crimes committed by illegal immigrants, or nothing will change, and the public will continue to be endangered by this lawlessness.

Iran is forcing gay people to choose between death or gender reassignment
"Apparently, the Head of the Human Rights commission of Iran has touted this method a cure for gay people. Members have allegedly stated that gay people are “sick and they need the physical treatment.”

Keep in mind, gay people are just gay. They’re not having an identity crisis with regard to their biological sex, but are essentially forced to modify their body so they “technically” can’t be gay anymore. 

The country has been running thousands of gender reassignment surgeries every year. One doctor  allegedly told Amin that they were running thirty to forty surgeries per month in their facility."
Remember when Obama orchestrated the released of $150 billion in seized global funds back to Iran, including $1.5 billion in cash airlifted into Tehran in the middle of the night? Good times. Right, LGBTQ lobby?

Quote du jour via Proof Positive

How To Spot Totalitarianism
News you can use.

Here It Goes – DNC Says Joe Biden Needs Chair and Desk for Next Debate
At what point can Biden's campaign manager be charged with elder abuse?

Different Toys – Different Lives
It's kind of like Toy Story.

Another Muddy Monday
Rule 5, SFW.