Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Democrat Candidate in Missouri Pens Irresponsible OP/ED about Our Election Integrity

Yinka Faleti(D) is a candidate for Missouri Secretary of State. My long-ago former employer, the KC Star, published his OP/Ed entitled 'Dereliction of duty: Missouri’s secretary of state is openly attacking our democracy.'

Yet, the true dereliction is from the newspaper that published this irresponsible bombast openly attacking the integrity our elections. IMHO, the candidate who wrote it proves himself too ignorant to be qualified for the job. I wonder if the KC Star will have to report this as an in-kind campaign contribution to the Democrat candidate?

Mr. Faleti wrote:
"The Senate Intelligence Committee concluded last year that Russia targeted election systems in all 50 states, including Missouri. Rather than shoring up our state’s election security, the current secretary spent much of his over three years in office defending the state’s undemocratic voter ID law. The Supreme Court of Missouri found the secretary provided misleading information about Missouri’s voter ID requirements and that this risked voter disenfranchisement. Instead of showing fidelity to the rule of law and correcting course, the secretary recently told a news outlet that, despite the court’s ruling, “We aren’t done, and there’s so much more to do.”

While in office, the secretary has outlined no programs, plans or resources to ensure that the 2020 elections in Missouri will be free from malicious interference. Missouri voters need to have confidence in their election security, but he has refused to offer anything deserving of that confidence."
I responded in the comments section to Mr. Faleti:
"Fact check: hysterically false. I'm an election judge in Jackson County, Missouri. Per current law, we are not allowed to ask for photo I.D. In my 11 years of working polls all over the county, I've observed that 99% of all voters - regardless of age, ethnicity, or employment - who approach the check-in table present a drivers license for I.D. "Ninety-nine percent." The other one percent? A passport, military I.D., or voter registration card. All except the latter are photo I.D.'s. "Undemocratic voter ID law" is a lie, sir.

"Rather than shoring up our state’s election security" is straw man argument. The chain of custody for securing voting machines, collecting ballots, transporting ballots, and counting ballots in this state is superb. To say otherwise is pure ignorance. And irresponsible.

From the Missouri SOS website:
"...there is no single voting system or single point of access."

"Voting machines are not connected to the internet, so they can't be hacked from the internet."

"Once checked for accuracy, election equipment is locked and sealed to prohibit any tampering with the equipment on election day."

"Every single voting machine in Missouri is required to produce a paper audit trail."

"Election results are audited by local election officials before any results are certified."
I suggest Mr. Faleti visit the SOS website to research the office he hopes to obtain before publishing spurious opinions, rash insults, and demonstrably false accusations against others. This irresponsible bombast openly attacking the integrity our elections proves Mr. Faleti too ignorant to be qualified for the job.