Friday, March 06, 2020

Morning Coffee

Mark Morgan, acting CBP commissioner, discusses why DHS apprehensions at the southern border have dropped for the sixth straight month

Short answer: Elections have consequences. VIDEO below.

From FOX News:
"For the past five months, the number of removals has outpaced the number of apprehensions -- putting law enforcement on the offense in an ongoing battle against drug traffickers and human smugglers on the border. During the height of the migrant crisis in 2019, CBP and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) had released more than 80,000 immigrants into the interior United States.

By January, that number had fallen to fewer than 2,000 and those were due to medical emergencies and other "legitimate" issues, CBP leadership claimed, like paroling foreign nationals to testify in court. "Catch and release has all but ended," Morgan said. The president offered a variety of tools that made it possible for immigration enforcement to decisively provide some kind of consequence for illegal immigrants -- emphasizing the administration's message that illegal entry won't go unnoticed.

"This is something I really want to emphasize. As a career law enforcement guy," Mark Morgan, acting CBP commissioner, told reporters on Wednesday.

"It's because of this president that we now have more tools than we've ever had before to do our job. It's just a fact. The importance of Trump's changes couldn't be overstated," Deputy Commissoner Robert Perez said."
I'm not tired of winning.

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