Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Panic at the Email Inbox

I didn't want to catch the 'Chinese Virus'... so I didn't open this email from China.

Despite the U.S. Surgeon General's plea to the media the other day to STOP with the petty bickering, backbiting, finger pointing, and a half-dozen other tortured metaphors, the Yahoos at yaHoo couldn't help but be slavish propagandists for the ChiComs when they published 'Trump tweets about coronavirus using term 'Chinese Virus'
"Many officials, including the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, have criticized the phrase as inaccurate and potentially harmful in promoting racist associations between the virus and those from China."
Then, the dutiful twitter c==kholsters for the ChiComs swallowed hard:
"The comments prompted massive backlash from many social media users, including New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, who said the tweet was misplacing blame and could put more Asian Americans in danger."
No. Wrong. Your comments are dangerous.
"Chinese officials condemned Trump's comments, saying his tweet smeared China."
STFU. Your incompetence caused this pandemic. It's the Wuhan or Chinese virus. Because regions ARE traditional names for outbreaks:

1918: The Spanish Flu - not the first outbreaks, but first widely reported
1937:  West Nile virus - guess where
1947: Zika Virus - the Ziika Forest of Uganda
1968: The Hong Kong Flu - Hong Kong!
1997: Nipah virus - from the Nipah village in Malaysia 
2016: Ebola Virus - the Ebola River in the northern Congo basin of central Africa
2018: Zika Virus, again.
2020: Wuhan or Chinese (or slang, kung flu) Virus

Because that's where it originated. STOP THE HYSTERIA. STOP THE CHINESE PROPAGANDA!