Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Remember Who was China’s Bitch

The media are not just fake news, they're propagandists for our enemies.

MSNBC Contributor Claims Trump May Meet 'Some Level of Negligent Homicide' for Coronavirus. Julio Rosas at Townhall:
"Glenn Kirschner, a legal analyst for MSNBC and a former federal prosecutor, floated the idea that President Trump could be charged with on "some level of negligent homicide or voluntary/involuntary manslaughter" because of the U.S. government's response to COVID-19, also known as the Wuhan Corona Virus."
These vile Leftists literally cannot let a crisis go to waste for their own political opportunism.

Fuzzy Slippers at L.I. diligently debunks recent falsehoods from propagandists for our enemies with their seemingly unrelenting "Exercises in Democrat-media hoaxing to create out of nothing a sense of hysteria, outrage, panic, and anger" in response to this Wuhan (Chinese) Corona Virus.

Media Hoaxes: No, Trump did not “disband” WH pandemic office, cut CDC work from “49 to 10” countries, or refuse WHO “testing kits”

Trump decisively flipped script yesterday against a propagandists for our enemies. Justine Coleman at The Hill:
"A reporter asked Trump during a Tuesday press briefing addressing the coronavirus outbreak about the criticism he has received about using the phrase “Chinese virus” to describe the coronavirus.

The president pushed back on the question, saying that “China was putting out information, which was false, that our military gave this to them.”

“That was false,” he said. “And rather than having an argument, I said I have to call it where it came from. It did come from China so I think it's a very accurate term.”

A reporter asked a follow-up question about whether using the phrase “Chinese virus” creates a stigma.

“No, I don’t think so,” Trump responded. “I think saying that our military gave it to them creates a stigma.”"
I documented yesterday that Virus Names are Frequently from Regional Origins

From last week, Communist Chinese Propagandists Now Claim U.S. Military Made Wuhan Virus
"Friendly nations do not falsely accuse their friends of spreading pandemics that originated on their own shores; nor do they steal hundreds of billions of dollars per year in intellectual property; nor do they demand that those who transact with them fastidiously toe their government line; nor do they engage in rampant national security-imperiling espionage efforts."
When this is over, Remember Who was China’s Bitch.