Thursday, March 12, 2020

Supreme Court 8-1: ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy to continue

In a corona virus world, what other decision would be prudent?? So many of the headlines regarding this 'emergency stay' use the wording 'allow' or 'allowed' the Trump administration to...

Good grief. This ain't 'mother may I.' The Supreme Court does not 'allow' a co-equal branch of government with its own constitutionally mandated separation of powers to do anything. The Supreme Court rather opines on the constitutionality of whether Does the LAW allow? Period.
Yet, this is what happens when you allow Gramsci to install all the Overton Windows...

From PBS:
"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Wednesday said it would allow the Trump administration to continue enforcing a policy that makes asylum-seekers wait in Mexico for U.S. court hearings, despite lower court rulings that the policy probably is illegal.

The justices’ order, over a dissenting vote by Justice Sonia
Sotomayor, overturns a lower court order that would have blocked the policy, at least for people arriving at the border crossings in Arizona and California. The lower court order was to have taken effect on Thursday. Instead, the “Remain in Mexico” policy will remain in force while a lawsuit challenging it plays out in the courts, probably at least through the end of President Donald Trump’s term in January.

The next step for the administration is to file a formal appeal with the Supreme Court. But the justices may not even consider the appeal until the fall and, if the case is granted full review, arguments would not be held until early 2021."
Those are pretty much the facts. The tax payer subsidized PBS then goes on to spew its DNC talking down points against the Trump administration's previous immigration and border policies which have been challenged in various courts, etc. Stfu. Report the news.