Monday, March 16, 2020

Wuhan Corona Virus: U.S. Surgeon General Slams Media Attacks on Trump

U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams stated in White House press briefing:
"We really need you all to lean into and prioritize the health and safety of the American people. No more bickering, no more partisanship, no more criticism or finger-pointing; they’ll be plenty of time for that, but we all need to hit the reset button and lean forward, the health and safety of the American people are top priority."

So, to what is the good doctor referring?

Last Thursday, CNN's execrable Don Lemon verbally attacked his guest, former Ohio Gov. John Kasich(R), when Kasich declined to criticize President Trump’s Wuhan Corona Virus address last Wednesday.
"KASICH: I'm going to tell you -- first of all, he read it. Look, I don't want to get into that. He --

LEMON: Why not? That's why you're here. To talk about the president.

KASICH: Can I finish now?

LEMON: No, you can't John, because we are here to talk about the president's --

KASICH: I can't talk?"
It got worse from there.

MSNBC’s O’Donnell: ‘More People Are Dead And Dying In America Tonight Because Donald Trump Is President’
This O'Donnell is a third-rate garbage human being. As much as I disliked former potus Obama and his policies, I never ascribed this type of hateful, death-wish casting to him.

Last Thursday ol' Quid Pro Joe Biden awoke from his nap.
"Biden tweeted on Thursday about Trump’s wall and travel ban announced in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak.

“Banning all travel from Europe — or any other part of the world — will not stop it,” he added. “This disease could impact every nation and any person on the planet — and we need a plan to combat it.”
Uh wut?

"Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has been a key player in the Trump administration’s Coronavirus Task Force headed by Vice President Mike Pence.

While travel bans may not completely halt the spread of the virus, Dr. Fauci has noted that restricting travel and avoiding large gatherings has shown to slow the spread of the virus."
Also, the allegedly mentally ill Adam Schiff(D) Slammed Trump’s 'Incompetent' Coronavirus Speech, Says Travel Ban is 'Crazy'
"Blah, blah. Blah, blah, gurgle" was mostly what came out of Schiff's mouth.

And then on Sunday, it was announced, Schiff staffer who led impeachment questioning tests positive for the coronavirus
"A former staff member who left Rep. Adam Schiff’s office 10 days ago has tested positive for COVID-19, the congressman from Burbank announced Sunday.

A reporter for Politico initially identified that staffer as Daniel Goldman, the lawyer who led the House Intelligence Committee’s questioning in the impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump. Goldman later confirmed the diagnosis himself on Twitter."
Get well soon, young man.

Second-rate garbage human being, Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin, offered a prediction Sunday morning on MSNBC that more Republicans than Democrats would die from the novel coronavirus outbreak because conservative media outlets are downplaying the threat.

But wait. There's more. First-rate garbage human being, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) 
"retweeted a post on Twitter which said in part “F**k a National day of prayer ,” in relation to President Trump’s call for Americans of all faiths to pray for all those affected by the coronavirus outbreak."
Let's pray Tlaib doesn't represent the majority of Muslims in this country.

WATCH: Trump Torches Media Over False Google Website Claims, Flicks Paper

That's what we're up against - the enemy within: Leftists. They hate you. They hate your children. They hate America, and rationality. Political party power is all they love.

Related: A Tale Of Two Pandemics: Media Downplayed Swine Flu Outbreak Under Obama

H/t: Neon nettle and Director Blue