Saturday, June 27, 2020

Days That End in 'Y' - editorial 'toons & memes

'If you want peace, prepare for war' edition

During this time of war, I found this post by Krakatoa at AoSHQ to be helpful:  Prepping the Mind, ep 1: Walk Away
"This isn't advice on getting away with murder. My best advice for that is to  become a BLM activist. That is not a joke. This is just my gut take now on surviving an encounter with a real threat to your  life, and then surviving an unbalanced judicial system."
Read the whole thing. Seriously. Read it. You will eventually need it.


From the blog that nobody reads: The Toppling of the Statues
"They live out their entire lives, as liberals, on a hairpin turn. The revolution  is always tomorrow. If they happen to be doctrinaire liberals for seventy or eighty  years, they spend all that time on the bend of the paper clip, constantly waiting  for their chains to be unshackled, tomorrow. It must be a terrible existence.

To anyone who sees the whole world the way the Mayfly sees it, toppling a statue  must seem natural. It is the ultimate flash-in-the-pan communications medium. A  year from now, there won’t be anything there; will anyone remember the statue got  toppled? Or that there was a statue there at all?"
Which is precisely the point. I would only change 'liberals' to Leftists (a  distinction with a difference).

A brief history of flying cars, 1920-1970

The idea of a flying machine that one can drive dates back to the nineteenth  century — the concept was first patented in 1910.

Legendary writer Jules Verne wrote about vehicles that could serve as a car, boat,  and aircraft all in one. During the 1917 Pan-American Aeronautic Exposition,  innovators exhibited the Model 11 Autoplane. It never flew, but the it was an  interesting creation for the exhibition. About four years later, the Tampier  Roadable biplane took a 2 hour drive from the Paris Air Salon at a speed of 15 mph.

In 1940, Henry Ford famously predicted: “Mark my word: a combination airplane and  motorcar is coming. You may smile, but it will come.” Yet, in the 21st century,  with the barrage of bathroom wars, coup attempts, pronoun battles, race riots,  cancel culture, bat virus pr0n, etc., 'Dude, where's my flying car?' is little more  than a jaded internet meme.

From a simpler time:

Au Bon Marche company issued comical futuristic ad cards like this one of a  flying car. 1890.

From 1924, an airplane with a rear axle, generously described as a 'flying car.'

The Airphibian which converted from car to plane. The car backed into the  fuselage, and the propeller fastened to nose. 1948.

Autogyros are the true predecessors of flying cars and Harold F. Pitcairn’s PCA-2  was sold on the mass market. It was the first rotary-wing aircraft to achieve type  certification in the United States, and in one promotional stunt landed on the  White House lawn during Herbert Hover’s presidency. 1923.

A crashed ConvAirCar. 1947.

 I have no idea.

The Convair Model 118 ConvAirCar. 1948.

 Moulton Taylor’s Aerocar. The aerodynamic elements had convenient stowaway wheels  that formed their own trailer for road-going travel. 1957.

 Where the Ford Mach I Levacar is going, it doesn’t need roads. Shown at the Ford  Rotunda in Dearborn, Michigan, 1959, the single-seat concept car scrapped wheels  and touted a top speed of 500 m.p.h. None of the cars were ever built, much to  society’s dismay.

 With its folding wings, the Aero-Car was the first promising road-to-sky  vehicle. Prototypes could reach 60 mph on the ground and 110 mph in the sky. 1966.

(just a tease...)

Because we all need a little bit of this right now...

All 'toons, memes, and pictures courtesy of these fine sites, plus that other one.