Videos WhatFinger

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

When Is An 'Anti-Racism' Conference, Not?

When its keynote speaker is the most vile, holocaust denying, Jew hating, totalitarian swine on the planet.

That's right, boys n girls, Iran's petulant president, Herr Ahmadinejad, can stink up a room and clear it faster than gramps after too much beer n chili:

"Everyone who walked out on camera was right to do so. Most, if not all, were from Europe. It’s strange, then, that a European country is hosting this hate-fest in the first place. They had no reason to expect anything different. This second “Durban” conference held in Geneva is just a rerun of the first one held in Durban, South Africa, which also was little more than a bigoted group-scream against Israel and the United States. It was obvious years ago when the conference was planned what would be on the agenda. A representative from Libya, one of the most brutally oppressive countries on earth, was chairman of the preparatory committee. Its vice chairman included representatives from Cuba, Iran, Pakistan, and Russia. None of these countries can teach Western democracies about racism or human rights. The Obama administration was right to boycott this fiasco before it even began."

The Durban Conferences are all sponsored by the U.N., and we all know you can't spell 'unethical' without U.N.

Earlier this month, the U.N. Human Rights Council passed the a priori Defamation of Religion resolution to specifically protect Islam from criticism.

The world's press condemned the passage. Waddayameen you heard nothing about this from our vaunted msm nightly news??