Videos WhatFinger

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Lie Down with Dogs, Get Up with Fleas

"HAVANA – Fidel Castro says President Barack Obama "misinterpreted" his brother Raul's remarks regarding the United States and bristled at the suggestion that Cuba should free political prisoners or cut taxes on dollars people send to the island.

Raul Castro touched off a whirlwind of speculation last week that the U.S. and Cuba could be headed toward a thaw after nearly a half-century of chilly relations. The speculation began when the Cuban president said leaders would be willing to sit down with their U.S. counterparts and discuss "everything, everything, everything," including human rights, freedom of the press and expression, and political prisoners.

Obama responded at the Summit of the Americas by saying Washington seeks a new beginning with Cuba. But as he prepared to leave the summit Sunday, Obama also called on Cuba to release political prisoners and reduce taxes on remittances from the U.S.

That appeared to enrage Fidel Castro
, 82, who wrote in an essay published Wednesday that Obama "without a doubt misinterpreted Raul's declarations."

Nice softball, Fidel. Maybe the ol' man felt sorry for the vast vituperation applied by his comrades in thuggery, against the U.S. of A., during the banana leg of Obama's Apology Tour.

Or not, since Obama Welcomes America-Bashing.