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Thursday, June 02, 2011


 Tony's pup tent. Cyber skivvies. What ever.
"Rep. Anthony Weiner (D.-N.Y.) finds himself embroiled in a scandal and potential coverup after a picture of an aroused, though clothed, man’s genitalia was sent from his official Twitter account to a 21-year-old college student in Seattle."
This creep-a-zoid can't even state clearly that he didn't do it.

Are Weiner’s Mayoral Ambitions Twittering Away?

Ann Coulter made me laugh claiming it's a small claim to be settled.

Boortz says it's the end of Weiner's political career. I disagree.

You see, Rep. Christopher Lee of N.Y., a married congress critter who sent a shirtless photo of himself to a woman he met on Craig's List, is a Republican. That's a scandal and he resigned.

This, too, is a  political scandal that doesn't involve sex, money or malfeasance, and I think we can all agree this Weiner clown is an @sshat scum bag and a liar in this particular case. He's a creepy pervert.

Will it torpedo his career? I doubt it. Weiner is a married New York democrat. These types of kerfuffles are considered 'resume enhancements' for Liberals. Morally bankrupt and intellectually dishonest Congress critter Barney Frank(D) has thrived in just such a sewer.

What the heck is in the water up N'or East?