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Monday, March 24, 2008

Islamic critic converts to Christianity & baptised by Pope

And, surprisingly, for some mysterious reason which bewilders the Western world, the man says his life is in danger - from islamists. How odd.

In a surprise move on Saturday night, the Pope baptised the 55-year-old, Egyptian-born (Magdi) Allam at an Easter eve service in St Peter's Basilica that was broadcast around the world.

He said before converting he had continually asked himself why someone who had struggled for what he called "moderate Islam" was then "condemned to death in the name of Islam and on the basis of a Koranic legitimisation".

Allam, the author of numerous books, said he realised that his conversion would likely procure him "another death sentence for apostasy," or the abandoning of one's faith.

But he said he was willing to risk it because he had "finally seen the light, thanks to divine grace". "I realise what I am going up against but I will confront my fate with my head high, with my back straight and the interior strength of one who is certain about his faith," said Magdi Allam.
God bless, Mr. Allam, and good luck to you, Sir. In the face of a violently aggressive antithesis to Christianity, you are a picture of true courage and an inspiration to a Europe grown accustomed to a tepid (if not timid) Christian faith.

You are a stark contrast to the obtuse relativists, and ignorant ecumenicalists which claim 'there is no truth', and, 'most religions are practically the same' -- all the while denying the precious freedom to openly say those very things without fear of reprisal, and foolishly minimizing the very real worldwide religious conflict arising from the islamists which sentence this man (and others) to death!!

What fools these obtuse relativists, and ignorant ecumenicalists be.