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Sunday, November 27, 2005

A little joy from that 'other' war: Afganistan

"The frail girl with haunted eyes arrived at a U.S. military base near Kabul weighing scarcely 35 pounds, sluggish and prone to alarming episodes of bluish skin if she so much as walked briskly.
Born with a malformed heart that left her body starved of oxygen, Basira Jan’s future amid Afghanistan’s unforgiving poverty seemed bleak – until Indiana National Guardsmen touched by her plight vowed to get the youngster help."
That is how Rick Callahan of the Associated Press began his story about the plight of Basira Jan and the intercession of the Indiana Guardsmen stationed in Afganistan.
With the help of Gift of Life International, this little girl and her family have a new start on life. Since 1974, the Gift of Life organization has helped over 4,000 children from all over the world receive much needed medical care.
And these Indiana Guardsmen were more than happy to provide a little joy in Afganistan; that 'other' war.