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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Clarence, thy name ain't 'Tookie'

Clarence Allen Roy was put to death a little past midnight by the state of California. And just like I predicted, there was no media whore parade demanding clemency and no celebrity cluster 'you-know-what' voicing outrage about the injustice. Mr. Roy just passed quietly into that land of worm food. You see, Mr. Roy just wasn't charismatic or celebrity hip enough to garner the kind of attention that accompanied the debate about 'Tookie'.
Roy's gang didn't make the papers. I guess the likes of Snoopy Dog, Jamie Foxx and, that ultimate hollywood hypocrite, Danny Glover, were too busy someplace else to fight for the life of poor Clarence.

And speaking of hollywood hypocrites, what's up with Steven Speilberg and his latest movie, "Munich'?
Apparently, Mr. Speilberg has dubious allegiance to libertry and is in desperate need of a moral compass. Try going to Egypt, Syria or Iran, Mr. Speilberg and see how much artistic freedom your Jewish self would be allowed.

Onto obsfucated stuff!
These are news stories that you will miss if you blink ('cause the msm can't bury them fast enough).

Iraqi vote fraud extremely low!*
Iraq's electoral commission said Monday that it is throwing out votes from 227 ballot boxes in last month's parliamentary elections because of fraud. Those tainted ballots amounted to only one percent of the total vote. It shouldn't greatly affect overall results.
*( note the obligatory reference to unrelated bad news in the second paragraph of this ABC report.)

The U.S. goverment ran a budget surplusfor the month of December, 2005. The federal government posted the first budget surplus for December in three years as corporate tax payments hit an all-time high, helping offset a record level for spending, the Treasury Department reported Thursday. Despite the fact that corporate income tax collections totaled a record $73.5 billion last month, surpassing the old record of $72 billion set in September, the leftist utopian screamers will still demand higher taxes on the evil rich and how 'dubya' is a criminal.

And ain't it funny how CNN is real cozy with dictators? Cnn was well known for sucking up to Saddam when he was in power and they continue the tradition with Herr whos-its of Iran.
But wait!
CNN ruffled the wrong feathers when a translator employed by the news agency misinterpreted 'nuclear technology' to 'nuclear weapons' and the news agency was banned by Iran. But now, just as fast, CNN is buddies again with Herr whos-its.

Hokey Smokes. I knew my ex-wife was wrong! Putting a T.V. in your bedroom does cut your sex life in half and now I have proof. HA!

Happy Tuesday and what's up with the NFL?
Can I blame the Broncos win and the Colts loss on global warming?