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Sunday, February 12, 2006


Yes, I think valentines day is a pretty lame holiday too. It's another one of those chick induced, guilt trip calender days that only makes me want to buy more stock in Hallmark, but would someone please tell these Mohammadans to stop embarrassing themselves?!

In more important news, peace returns to a Pakistani town. I don't think cupid was involved.

And here's how a dead guy is helping President G.W. Bush be a commanding commander. An immediate 'no comment' was issued from Cupid's office.

Another line has been drawn in the sand, again, and that is a good thing. I think.
At least we know that CS monitor Journalist Jill Carroll is still alive. She is doing housework in her captivity, but she is still alive and hopefully will be released very soon. Meanwhile, cupid cannot pacify the continuing cartoon outrage.

Finally, Victor Davis Hanson elaborates more on the abyss of cultures and the self-imposed impotence of Western civilization.
Insidiously, the censorship only accelerates. It is dressed up in multicultural gobbledygook about hurtfulness and insensitivity, when the real issue is whether we in the West are going to be blown up or beheaded if we dare come out and support the right of an artist or newspaper to be occasionally crass.

In the post-Osama bin Laden and suicide-belt world of our own, we shudder at these fanatical riots, convincing ourselves that perhaps the Salman Rushdies, Theo Van Goghs, and Danish cartoonists of the world had it coming. All the while, we think to ourselves about the fact that we do not threaten to kill Muslims when they promulgate daily streams of hate and racism in sermons and papers, and much less would we go about promising death to the creator of "Piss Christ" or the Da Vinci Code. How ironic that we now find politically-correct Westerners — those who formerly claimed they would defend to the last the right of an Andres Serrano or Dan Brown to offend Christians — turning on the far milder artists who rile Muslims.

~Happy valentines day