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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Man, that's just plain mean

It does appear the Dutch have stepped in it with the publication of irreverent cartoons about the Prophet Muhammad (blessed be his name) and drew the ire of Muslims across Europe in angry public protests.
(No, I'm not going to provide a link to the 'toons).
Now, France's Soir, Germany's Die Welt, La Stampa in Italy and El Periodico in Spain all reprinted some of the drawings in a show of free speech solidarity with the Dutch news agency.
Man, that's just plain mean.
Opining on the right of free speech is one thing, but republishing the insult is like throwing mud: not only do your hands get dirty, but you lose a lot of ground.
That having been said, the Muslim world needs to take a deep breath and grow a thicker skin. If Christians would throw a tizzy like you boys every time someone blasphemed Christ, the western world would have descended into chaos many decades ago. Sticks & stones, boys. Sticks & stones.

Time for an attitude adjustment
Does the phrase 'beat like a rented mule' mean anything to him?

Something silly
Japan appears to excel at most everything better than the Americans. They are even selling us the pot we piss in and getting high dollar for it too.

Thanks for not wasting our time
Google is catching flak about this Chinese censorship thing and I say 'so what'. Just what is China trying to keep from their people anyways? Porn? Gambling? How to make money? Good luck. Digital information doesn't respect borders.
But the U.S. congress wants to do something urgent and decisive.
It wants to investigate. Form a committee. Hold hearings. You know, important stuff.
So it invited Cisco, Microsoft, Yahoo and Google to 'slpain' it all. All said, 'No' and maybe even hell no!.
I guess those tech boys didn't want a warm welcome like that given to the oil men a while back when they came to visit capitol hill.
Thanks for not wasting our time, techies.

For men only
Warning! This link leads to a very difficult and demanding test concerning perception and attention to detail. Ingeniously disguised with in this image is a Ford Mustang automobile. Your task is to somehow find it in the quickest amount of time. The world record is 16 minutes and 23 seconds. Most men fail to successfully complete this difficult and frustrating trial, but do not be discouraged. You have been warned!