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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

We can't even cure the common cold

The bubonic plaque; the flu pandemic of 1918; the a.i.d.s. epidemic. More human beings have been lost to the ravages of disease and natural disaster than any idiocy man can heap upon his own kind. Human beings can deliver horror upon each other and that is a matter of the will and choice. Disease is another matter. A.i.d.s. is a horrid disease I would not wish upon my worst enemy.

Last night, the PBS program 'Frontline' detailed a history of the disease from origin to attempts to treat it. Of course, being a socialist funded under-taking, PBS was obliged to castigate a 'nanny' federal government for not finding a cure and to villify a sitting president for not caring about the consequences of other people's poor life choices.

While a.i.d.s. is a blood disease, it is common sense and common knowledge that abberant behaviors, such as I.V. drug use and promiscuious sex (both hetro & homo) are the most common methods of infection. An attempt to mediate an 'innocent' face upon this horrid disease was presented by the tragic tales of young hemophiliacs like Ryan White, but most of the focus was upon the beleaguered peoples of Africa and the anquished homosexuals of North America.

But this PBS program barely mentioned the true lesson learned from the 30 years of this epidemic nightmare: personal responsibilty & personal accountability. This is a lesson summed up very well by this young African man. Afterall, we can't even cure the common cold.

The best news in decades. HIV infection rate stable for first time ever.
The incidence of new HIV infections appears to have stabilized for the first time in the 25-year history of AIDS, although the global pandemic will still have a deep, long-term impact, a new UN report said.

While the world is at last making progress against the disease, thanks to a massive increase in spending, better access to drugs and growing awareness, huge problems remain, the UN agency coordinating the fight against HIV/AIDS warned.

"New data shows that the AIDS epidemic is slowing down globally," said executive director of UNAIDS Peter Piot at the launch of the Global AIDS report.

Of course, nowhere in this report does it mention that the U.S. is the most generous of industrialized nations in terms of monetary & medical donations.

And this just in from the 'can we be anymore revolting & stupid?' department.
Dutch Pedophiles To Launch New Political Party.
~Coming soon to a liberal agenda near you.