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Friday, June 23, 2006

What? I can't hear you.

Once Again: Saddam Had WMD.
Let's also be clear that this does not mean Saddam's only WMD were from the Gulf War era. Remember that the U.N., in a March 6, 2003, report on 'unresolved' WMD issues with Saddam, said a massive amount of WMD material existed but was 'unaccounted for.'
(FYI: that's what all those ignored U.N. resolutions were designed to compel saddam to reveal.

The deadly trove included: 6,526 chemical bombs; 550 mustard gas shells; 2,062 tons of mustard gas precursors; 8,445 liters of anthrax; growth media for thousands and thousands of liters of germ agents such as anthrax, botulism and clostridium; 3.9 tons of VX nerve agent, and 15,000 chemical weapons. That's a lot of death, and it doesn't include Saddam's well-documented nuclear program, which was intended to build a workable bomb.

This isn't just our opinion, but that of former Iraqi Gen. Georges Sada. Sada claims Saddam spirited WMD labs and material out of the country in early 2003, before the war began. He used a fleet of planes and trucks, and the logistical help of the Russians.

That Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, intended to use them and wanted to make more - and deadlier - ones is now beyond dispute. It's simply too well-documented.

With what we know now about WMD, it's high time for White House critics to retire their foolish 'Bush lied' slogan. And while they're at it, they should stop calling for us to withdraw from a war we're actually winning.