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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Bible salvaged from trash site

DANVILLE, Va. (AP) -- Electrician Michael Hoskins is not averse to browsing when he drops off trash at the Route 41 dump bin, and a recent visit rewarded his curiosity.
Mr. Hoskins said he discovered a 188-year-old King James Bible and is now getting offers of nearly $1,000 for the find.
"I go up there all the time to drop off my household trash, and there it was," Mr. Hoskins told the Danville Register & Bee. "There were three or four boxes of books leaning up against the concrete wall behind the Dumpsters. I found the Bible in four pieces, put them together and took it home."
The Bible also appeared to have fire damage and watermarks on some of its inner pages.
"You can also see where it survived a fire at one time," Mr. Hoskins said. "I was always told a Bible wouldn't burn and have seen it before in other church and house fires."
The sheepskin-covered book was printed in Pittsburgh in 1818 and, according to Mr. Hoskins' research, is one of six copies in existence.
Mr. Hoskins also looked into the Bible's history and discovered that
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