Plot to bomb NYC's Holland Tunnel uncovered.
From the NY Daily News: Bomb tunnel, flood city
One man is busted in Beirut, others hunted across globe and terrorists are seen linked to Zarqawi.
New Jersey-bound traffic speeds through Holland Tunnel beneath more than 40 feet of earth and concrete - and the Hudson. Experts say that terrorists would need huge amount of explosives, and even more expertise to have a chance to rupture the tunnel.
The FBI has uncovered what officials consider a serious plot by jihadists to bomb the Holland Tunnel in hopes of causing a torrent of water to deluge lower Manhattan, the Daily News has learned.
The terrorists sought to drown the Financial District as New Orleans was by Hurricane Katrina, sources said. They also wanted to attack subways and other tunnels.
Counterterrorism officials are alarmed by the "lone wolf" terror plot because they allegedly got a pledge of financial and tactical support from Jordanian associates of top terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi before he was killed in Iraq, a counterterrorism source told The News.
It’s not clear, however, if any cash or assistance was delivered.
Hey! NY Times. Did you know we are at war?