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Friday, July 28, 2006

Hundreds of Aussies join Israeli army.

"Serving here is part of our Australian heritage."

To the disbelief of their Israeli comrades, hundreds of Australians have left behind the beaches, the cricket and the peace to join Israel's army.

For most - including Asaf Namer, who died in Lebanon this week - the decision to serve is a choice, guided by an inner call to live in and defend the Jewish homeland.

The army estimates there are dozens of Australian soldiers serving in the Israeli Army and hundreds who are eligible to be called up for compulsory reserve duty. Jewish people are entitled to immediate citizenship in Israel and men younger than 24 who migrate are required to serve for between 12 months and 2 1/2 years.

Guy Spigelman, 34, a captain in the army spokesman's unit, came to Israel 12 years ago from Sydney "because I wanted to live here and be a part of the Jewish homeland".

"Part of living in Israel is serving in the defence forces. I am proud that I can do my bit, especially at this difficult time, Read all about it.